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EDNOS are referred to as Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, meaning the that the disorder that the victim is suffering from cannot be classified as BED, anorexia nervosa, or bulimia nervosa.
EDNOS is widely spread and is found in several different parts of the world. Statistics show that the problem is affecting more than 60% of adults who suffer from eating disorders, more than that of bulimia and anorexia, and that it does not discriminate, affecting both males and females. Also, it does not discriminate based on considerations such as age and will affect, both the old and the young, even though it generally starts when the person is in their early adulthood or late adolescence.
The problem is more prevalent in young women, since they are commonly more sensitive and conscious about their bodies as compared to their male counterparts, for a number of different reasons.
Causes of EDNOS
There are many causes of EDNOS, both psychological and social.
Psychological factors:
- Loneliness, anxiety, feeling depressed, fear, and anger.
- The desire to be perfect and the tendency towards standards higher than they can manage.
- The desire to live by your own terms and conditions or a lack of drive in life.
- Low self-esteem.
- Insomnia.
Socio-cultural or interpersonal factors:
- Body shaming.
- Society’s standards of a perfect image or body shape.
- Fashion, clothing, and trends.
- Physical or sexual abuse.
- Negligence, fighting, and dysfunctional families.
- Preoccupation with eating patterns and weight.
It is important to understand that EDNOS can be caused by hormonal imbalances where one experiences the unwillingness to consume enough food, even when they are aware that lack of food is the main cause of their lethargy and reduced energy.
- Note that the problems can be treated only if the victim's brain is functioning properly, including responding to body imbalances.
EDNOS is more common in women than in men. This could be detrimental and may have a negative impact on society, given that it is women who give birth to children. If women are not healthy, they may end up producing children that are unhealthy, and eating disorders can often lead to infertility.
Most of the known factors which result in Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified cause the victims resort to dieting and a reduction in food intake. The victims may experience difficulties in their life and struggle to function normally. Their eating behaviours are abnormal and may cause them to become estranged from friends and families. The reason for this is that EDNOS harms the victim’s cognitive functioning and might interfere with normal behavioural tendencies. Most people think that EDNOS is not as destructive as bulimia and anorexia. However, the truth of the matter is that EDNOS can be even more destructive than other types of eating disorder. The trouble with EDNOS is that it affects the victim’s mindset so that they eventually resort to indulging in self-destructive behaviours, self-loathing, and feel upset about their image, no matter the reality of the situation. It is more prevalent in the UK and is considered more lethal than a number of other eating disorders.
The following are the symptoms and signs of EDNOS.
Physical signs:
- Weakened immune system, causing the patient to fall sick on a regular basis.
- Weight gain or weight loss oscillations.
- Dehydration of the victim’s body and insufficient energy, which ultimately leads to regular fainting.
- Irregular menstrual cycle.
- Decreased libido in men.
Psychological symptoms and signs
- Dissatisfaction with their body.
- Development of extreme and uncontrollable thoughts on food, resulting in both under and over-eating.
- Sensitivity to comments on body weight, body shape, and food.
- Elevated anxiety and agitation during meal time.
- The victim gets depressed and develops a negative attitude towards everything in their life.
- Feelings of guilt, self-loathing, and mortification.
- Obsession with body weight, eating, and body shape.
The following are behavioural symptoms and signs of EDNOS:
- Engaging in extreme dieting activities, such as controlling the amounts of fats and carbohydrates consumed.
- Resorting to binge eating. Making frequent trips and visits to the washroom to vomit, as well as using laxatives.
- Exercising excessively even when the conditions are unfavourable. Inconsistency in choosing meals. - Being obsessed with certain actions regarding food, such as chewing at a rate, serving meals on time, etc.
- Developing anti -social or introverted behaviour, especially when in public and when food is served.
- Being secretive when it comes to food.
- An increased interest and passion for food preparation.
- Enhanced curiosity in eating food, as well as its effect on the size and shape of their body.
- A negative attitude and becoming indifferent towards social gatherings, occasions, and leisure activities.
- Developing obsessive behaviour regarding their body shape and food.
Effects of EDNOS on the patient:
- Kidney failure due of irregular patterns of eating.
- Bones become brittle and fragile due to loss of tissue caused by hormonal changes, lack of calcium, and lack of vitamin D.
- Osteoporosis.
- Slow or irregular heartbeat which can cause heart failure.
- Disturbance in periods and menstruation.
- Infertility risk in both men and women.
- Obesity.
- Increased cholesterol levels.
- Diabetes.
- High blood pressure.
Other than the above-mentioned effects, signs, and symptoms of EDNOS, almost all the victims of the condition will experience dissatisfaction regarding their appearance. This is the most difficult aspect of the condition, as it is hard to reverse or change because of appearance, while one often can reverse emotional and physical damage. For this reason, it is common for EDNOS sufferers to experience anxiety even after recovery.
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